Sunday, October 17, 2010

Back from my academic coma

The sciences are treating me well, but they take up a lot of time (hopefully it'll pay off as of tuesday after exams.) Probably gonna rant a bit on that tomorrow, though. I will say this: When you take human physio and microbio, it REALLY makes you appreciate your body, everything works in perfect sync.... or you're more or less screwed. More on biology rants tomorrow, maybe I'll upload an EP.

Goodnight everyone!



  1. Glad to see you back, HFG. I'll probably end up in an academic coma by the end of this week. Best of luck on your exams, I've got to be getting back to my essays... Hrrnnnggg.

  2. nice to see you back bro, good luck on those exams

  3. good to hear that you are doing well so far

  4. Stick with it! There's too many of us who just don't care about the sciences these days.

  5. im taking environmental science currently and it is hard as hell. hope everything works out man!

  6. Welcome back, science acedemically sucks

  7. Hello there,
    The how to thread was deleted, email me at rhymeswithsyphilis AT gmail DOT com if you'd like to stay in touch with some of us.
    Cheers : )
    (feel free to delete this comment)
