Monday, October 11, 2010

Let's try something harder, shall we?

I've been recovering from boozies and sciencing (yes, science is a verb) in bio lab all day, I need some harder beats up in this bitch.

This track is almost straight up hardcore and boy when my mind is going 1000 mph I love me some hardcore

2nd one is a breakcore producer who's put out a proper DnB track.

(I have this EP if anyone wants it, drop me a comment. It's got a lot of variety to it and I like it a lot.)

Feelin pretty good right about now.


  1. Goddamn that some hardhard shit. Love it. Keep posting DnB tracks. You have a fantastic taste in music my friend :D

  2. What bands would you say have influenced you the most? The music sounds great. :]

  3. Hardstyle is not really my style. Every once in a while i'm in the mood for it. The first track was not my style. However, I really liked the second one. Badass!

  4. Pretty sweet but deff not music for bringing it down

  5. Agreeed, this is good but it ain't no partay music haha

  6. what is this where am i
    so stoked off this

  7. cool songs man. nice blog, you got a new follower!

  8. yeah im def following fellas! thanks bro

  9. haha that was ridiculously hardcore.

  10. I love this, thanks for showing me them. Def going to listen to this when I need a pick me up

  11. I'd actually love to get that EP if you have a link or something. Suppin and clickin <3
